BODMAS Full Form

Pinkey Sharma |

Full Form |

2024-08-29 |

null mins read

BODMAS Fullform

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Did you sometimes listen to your teacher say something like BODMAS during a math period but had no idea what they were talking about? BODMAS is a rule of math that helps you get the solution in the right order, such that it feels like you are following a guide on which step to take next while working with numbers. In this article, we are going to take a close look at what exactly BODMAS full form is, its importance and how it helps you in mathematics.

What is the Full Form of BODMAS?

Before getting deep into the concept, let's begin with the most important question: What is the full form of BODMAS? The BODMAS full form in mathematics consists of the following:

B stands for Brackets

O stands for Orders (or sometimes known as "Of")

D for Division

M for Multiplication

A for Addition

S for Subtraction

Each letter of BODMAS constitutes a mathematical operation, and these operations are to be done in exactly this sequence when evaluating a math problem.

BODMAS Around the World

Did you know that different countries have different ways of remembering the order of operations? In the United States, students often learn “PEMDAS” instead of “BODMAS”. The full form of “PEMDAS” is:

- P Parentheses (which are the same as Brackets)

- E Exponents (which are the same as Orders)

- M Multiplication

- D Division

- A Addition

- S Subtraction

Why is BODMAS Important?

You might be wondering the importance of following the rule BODMAS. But on seeing one mathematical expression, it may come to one's mind that it can just be started on from left to right. But that would be an incorrect way of doing it because a number of operations are to be carried out before the other to get the appropriate answer. This is where the BODMAS full form rule is important.

For example, if you need to work out a problem that contains both addition and multiplication, following the BODMAS rule, you will need to do the multiplication first. That way, even if the addition sign is allowed to come before the multiplication sign in the problem, this ensures all on solving it do so the same way and come up with the correct answer.

Full Form of BODMAS in Mathematics

You know when you understand the BODMAS rule full form mathematics theory; this is like having a roadmap for your journey in mathematics. Just like you follow the map for directions, you follow the BODMAS rule to reach the correct answer. How each part of BODMAS guides you is shown here:

1. Brackets: Brackets are like little containers holding certain parts of the problem. Anything inside the brackets is to be solved first, no matter what.

2. Orders: Exponents are the Orders in the acronyms BODMAS, meaning problems with things like square roots or that are to be squared, etc. You solve any brackets first, though, after which you move on to orders.

3. Division and Multiplication: These are of equal importance, so you solve these going right to left in the questions.

4. Addition and Subtraction: Similar to division and multiplication, the order of addition and subtraction has to go from left to right as appearing in the BODMAS formula. So, in an equation, first the addition will be performed and then the subtraction

It's actually this step-by-step approach that makes the full form of BODMAS so important in math. It helps you be organized so you don't miss any steps.

How BODMAS Helps in Solving Math Problems

Math is solved very easily when one knows what the full form of BODMAS is and how to apply it. There is neither a feeling of confusion nor cluelessness over the next step, for using the BODMAS order ensures one is on the right track.

For example, if there is a problem that looks difficult because it involves a relatively large number of operations, BODMAS will break the problem into smaller steps that need to be managed. By focusing on one bit at a time, a problem no matter how difficult it seems can be cracked without the need of panicking.

The Role of BODMAS in Daily Life

You might feel that BODMAS rule full form in mathematics really only matters up to the school level, though as a matter of fact, it also has an applicability in real life. Whenever you are working with numbers, like when you are shopping, cooking, or even playing a few games, the order in which you do things matters.

Suppose you are baking a cake, and the recipe asks you to do certain things in certain orders. If you don't do them in the right order, then it won't be a cake at all of the kind described by the recipe. The process with math is pretty similar, as in order to answer things right, you need to use the correct order of operations.

Understanding Brackets and Orders

Let's discuss the first two parts of the BODMAS rule full form in more detail

Brackets: Brackets can change the sequence of steps by allowing several parts of the problem to be grouped before anything else. So, as in the saying, anytime you see any brackets in any math problem, you must solve whatever is in the parenthesis first. Mostly helps in making sure that the parts within the Brackets are considered one single entity.

Orders: Orders are to do with exponents and roots. You might think they're just a bit more tricky. Orders come straight after brackets. If you spot an exponent or a root in an expression which you're trying to simplify, you'd deal with it just as soon as you'd had a good look at what goes on inside your brackets. These two are sort of the heart of the long version of BODMAS for mathematics, as they're the place where everything starts.

Significance of Division and Multiplication

After ensuring that you finish up with any brackets and orders of a sum, the next step would be on division and multiplication. In the full form of BODMAS in mathematics, both operations are of the same rank. In this case, you should solve them as they appear from left to right.

For example, if there is a division and multiplication in a problem, there is no need to do one before the other. Just solve them in the order you see. This will help in keeping things simple and you will be rightly doing the BODMAS rule.

Adding and Subtracting: The Final Steps

Finally, you solve enough to finish things off with the additions and subtractions. Again, like division and multiplying, additions and subtractions are on the same level of order of precedence in the combined form of the BODMAS rule. You go from left to right, so you do everything in the right order.

By the time you reach this stage, most of the work is already done. You have allowed the full form of BODMAS in math to guide you through the problem, so all that is left for you now is to add and subtract in order to come up with the final answer.

Why Should You Always Use BODMAS?

Following the BODMAS rule is not one of the many things told to you by teachers; it is everything if you want the right answer in mathematics. Without fail, if all adhere to the BODMAS full form, whoever calculates the problem, the answer must always be the same.

Like following a recipe; if everyone follows a recipe exactly, everyone's cake will taste the same. If somebody skips a step or does something way out of order, their cake might not be the best in town after all. The full form of BODMAS in mathematics does exactly that: it ensures that every math problem is developed correctly. Sometimes you are bound to forget the sequence of operations done, so remember the following tips to remember the full form of BODMAS:

1. Make a song or rhyme: You can even make a song or rhythm out of the BODMAS rule in full form. Repeating something helps you remember better.

2. A Visual Treat: Illustrate a picture or diagram with which a sequence of operations can be recalled as per the full form of BODMAS in mathematics. It can be kept in your room or study area, to which a glance every now and then can remind you of the concept.

3. Practice, Practice, Practice: The more you practice using the BODMAS rule, the easier it will become to remember what is the full form of BODMAS and how to use it.

4. Teach Someone Else: If you are able to teach a friend or family member the full form of BODMAS in math, then you actually know it. Teaching someone can be a fun way to remember the **BODMAS rule**.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Although the expanded form of BODMAS is really a very basic rule, one can easily get some of it wrong without careful attention. Here are a few of them:

1. Forgetting to start by removing brackets: Remember that anything in brackets needs to be done first.

2. Misinterpreting the sequence of operation: Make sure you do operations in sequence and exactly as indicated by BODMAS, not jumping ahead or skipping steps.

3. Not treating division and multiplication alike: It is vital to understand that division and multiplication occur at the same level; therefore, the student should solve going from left to right.

If these tips are kept in mind, then the mistakes can be avoided and you can become an expert in BODMAS!

Practice Makes Perfect

The only way to get comfortable using BODMAS in the full form of a math exercise is through practice. The more you practice with the BODMAS rule, the easier it will be. Soon, it will become second nature to you, and you can do anything with the math problems sent your way.

Just keep reminding yourself to do it one step at a time and in the order of BODMAS. One day, through practice, you will finally realize that mathematics has been far easier than it seemed when you plan and follow a step-by-step process.

The Effect of BODMAS on Your Maths Skills

Learning and applying the full meaning of BODMAS in mathematics go beyond a tool to arrive at the correct answer during tests; it is actually a skill to apply in every area of math. Whether you are currently working on simple arithmetic or somewhat complicated algebra, BODMAS gives you the tools to successfully reach your answer.

Also, knowing the full form of the BODMAS rule can very well help skyrocket your confidence. On knowing what to do, you will surely be in a good state of mind and thoroughly prepared to face just about any math question that is thrown your way.


Now that you know what BODMAS stands for in full, you should be a master in math! Throughout almost all of this, BODMAS is like your set of instructions that takes you through a problem step by step. This is to assure that in all your mathematical problems, you follow BODMAS to the letter with speed.

So the next time you feel a tricky math problem, just remember BODMAS and do it one step at a time. Happy calculating!


1. Why do we need the BODMAS rule?

The BODMAS rule is necessary because it helps to carry out mathematical expressions in a standard and correct order, thus providing everyone with the same answer.

2. What if I don't use the BODMAS rule?

In case you do not follow the BODMAS rule, you are likely to get the wrong answer because you will perform the operations in the wrong order.

3. Is the BODMAS rule only for primary students?

No, BODMAS is in use by every student from the primary level to college students because it's a basic rule of mathematics.

4. Can BODMAS help with real-life math problems?

Yes, it can. BODMAS will let you solve most of the real-life problems involving many steps in a single problem, be it budgeting or measuring something for your DIY project.

5. Is the “BODMAS full form” asked in any examination?

Yes. In many competitive examinations, General Knowledge Tests, Quiz Contests, Interviews, Objective tests, etc. the “BODMAS full form” is asked.

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