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Why Are Arts Important for Children?

Harshitha |

Arts |

2024-08-07 |

null mins read


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Art has always occupied an important position in the entire human civilization. Its gradual progress has directly led to the prosperity of the world. For children, an enjoyable engagement in Arts during the formative years can make a significant contribution to their right brain development. The benefits of Art work for children include cognitive growth, creativity, problem solving skills, emotional resilience etc., This article highlights the crucial need for Arts to form a part of the school curriculum. Simple art and craft for children can bring about a holistic development in them. 


Art has been imbibed in the roots of all ancient cultures of the world. It played a dominant role in the traditional education system. However, with the passage of time, it lost its original significance. But Modern research has rediscovered its importance and has recommended its reinstatement right from the school level. In the art work for children, it can become their favorite pastime and can lead to their overall development. From painting to music, from dance to craft, from architecture to sculpture, the concept of Art has spread into many areas. It can be blended in the current education system to stimulate the mental growth of kids that can further lead to remarkable development in their cognitive, emotional, visual and social skills.

Visual Arts Education

Importance of Visual Arts

Arts pertaining to painting, drawing, crafting, printmaking, designing, sculptures, photography fall under this category. To learn this art, kids would require a long duration of regular practice by making use of their imagination and creative abilities. Possession of such skills can help children with low academic performance to pursue a career in the field of arts.

Benefits of Visual Arts

Such art work for children can boost their self-confidence from a very young age. Kids can learn to explore their imaginative capabilities from the tasks assigned to them. It also improves their concentration and the ability to focus on their respective activities. Such qualities enhance their coordination and determination skills. 

Cognitive Development

Boosts Creativity with Imagination

Creativity is a major requirement in all forms of simple art and craft. The chosen art will enhance the children's ability to stretch their imaginations. Art activities for children like drawing and sculpting can open up the creative areas and generate fresh and innovative ideas. It sharpens the mind and increases brain power. The innovative thinking arising out of creative explorations promotes the kids’ problem-solving abilities. Eventually, a child can learn to picturize various scenarios to handle a problem.  

Improving Academic Performance

Research has proved a strong link between arts education and academic achievements. Development in one area leads to the achievement of results in another area. For instance, among the art work for children, those participating in a series of dance steps can observe a simultaneous improvement in their mathematical skills. The reasons can be due to the common patterns and flowing steps that exist between dance and mathematics. Similarly, narrating dialogues regularly in a theater activity can improve the writing skills and storytelling art. The entire process of creativity has a positive impact on the child’s academic performance.

Emotional as well as Social Development

Empowers One with Emotional Intelligence

The Art work for children helps them express and manage their emotional feelings in better ways. Their creative activities produce the kind of thoughts that can make better use of Emotional Intelligence. It enables children to handle their anger and frustration in a mature way. For example, painting a picture of gigantic waves in an ocean could be an

expression of a turmoil happening inside. Generating these imaginative ideas

clearly shows the inner workings of the mind. Such emotional literacy is very

critical to the psychological well-being of the child. It also

equips the child with the tools effectively to tackle challenges and disappointments. 

Encourages Social Skills

The benefits of Art for children can be extended to social circles too. Group Art requires collaboration among students, just as community-based children's theater requires community collaboration. All such collaborations help inculcate different social skills in children, including communication, cooperation, and empathy. It makes them understand the needs and preferences of other people. They learn to share their thoughts and ideas with others more freely 

For example, among the various art works for children, playing for a school team or in a school play and an ensemble, it involves close cooperation with one another for the realization of a good performance.

Cultural Awareness

Knowing and understanding the cultural diversity

Simple art and craft for children does not bear any cultural or linguistic boundaries. Exposure to different forms of art from numerous cultures brings about a global awareness in them and embraces its diversity. This will let the child understand and respect the vast richness and diversity of all the cultures. 

Knowing several artistic traditions, children inform themselves about many cultures -- their histories, values, and customs. With this, a foundation is laid for the child to have high regard for different cultures. 

An effort to preserve Cultural Heritage

Through such disciplines as music, traditional dances, and storytelling, they will have roots to their culture and history. The art work for children thus educates and helps them in spreading the right culture. The digital dances, music and storytelling will make them experience a deep sense of pride in their culture at a root level.

For example, the child could be engaged in a traditional dance or song from his/her heritage, and it gets the child to experience what those customs and traditions were like in the blood. Such direct contact with cultural heritage leaves a child with a tremendously deep sense of belonging and continuity. 

Physical Development

Improves Motor Skills

Among the numerous benefits of art for children, tasks pertaining to drawing, painting, and sculpting are such simple art and craft that a child's fine motor skills develop while engaging in such artistic activities. Through such activities, children get a chance to coordinate their actions with their hands, which are essential for writing and other everyday activities. In the art work for children, they practice such skills in a way that enhances dexterity and hand-eye coordination.

For instance, a child of any age painting with a brush prompts specific hand movements. The painting helps in the development of muscle coordination and strength of hands required for enhancing fine motor work. It is worthwhile for young children since they are still growing the skills required to get through their daily lives.

Brings about Spatial Awareness

Art activities for children have also been proven to help improve coordination and space awareness. For instance, playing a musical instrument has the knowledge of spatial relationships and the coordination of different body parts. Similarly, in the event that children were to be made to do dance and movement tasks, they will be conscious of their bodies in space; this does much in promoting physical coordination and balance. 

They are more likely to develop a better sense of how their bodies are and how they relate to their environment by participating in activities that demand physical movement and space orientation. This is very much important for physical growth and general well-being. Hence, one of the primary focuses of the curriculum is on art activities for children.

Positive Health Effect of Artwork for Children 

Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Art therapy is an ancient way of practice that uses artistic activities to facilitate relief from stress, anxiety, and other mental health problems. Most kids enjoy making art; they find it soothing in many ways. In addition, such art work for children is a safe way for them to express their feelings and to work through hard experiences. In addition, creation through art is especially beneficial for kids who are unable to express their thoughts and feelings using words.

For instance, a child, burdened with academic loads, or other pressures in social relationships, may find relief in drawing or painting. Putting his or her feelings into concrete shapes brings relief from the stress.

Relaxation of the Mind and Body

In the healing of trauma, the art work for children can be very powerful. Children experiencing big traumas quite often find it very hard to communicate their experience with words only. Simple Art and craft offers an alternative means of expression, processing, and trying to make sense of experiences. A therapeutic art activity helps a child to attempt to find his or her safety and control in structure and functioning, thus fostering the possibilities of emotional healing and recovery.

This kind of an experience through art-making allows children to externalize trauma in many ways and begin to find meaning and assimilate their experiences through processes that are important for relaxation and to move forward. 

Develops Skills in Other Areas

Ability to solve complex problems with independent thinking

Art work for children helps them to think in a complex manner toward problem solving and creative imagination. Be it trying to mix the colors toward a certain goal, choose the right line, or planning for a sculpture, artistic activities require children to go through a complex mode of thought. These problem-solving skills are transferable to many life situations, the academic and professional environments among them. 

For instance, from the art book for children, when a child is doing an art project that they are very engaged in, they will plan an approach, experiment with techniques, and then evaluate the results; after all, the critical thinking and problem-solving involved in those processes are applicable to many other areas of life. 

Persistence and Patience in all walks of life

Often through trial and error, children try, make a mistake, and have to begin all over again. It is a process that teaches persistence and patience because they realize that sometimes getting the kind of results they were looking for in their artistic masterpieces may take time and much effort. These important lessons give children a growth mindset and resilience.

Through learning to persist despite troubles and reversals, the art work for children develop resilience to be used in succeeding in life. This is the resilience needed toward long-term success and well-being.

Importance of Arts during Childhood years

Effective Communication Skills

In early childhood education, arts play a very vital role in improving the students' language communication skills. This is enriched through the different kinds of art activities for children. Activities in the arts, such as drawing, storytelling, and dramatic play, will improve and enhance the language of communication in young children. This will, therefore, create ample room for children to express their views through verbal and nonverbal mode and thus enriching the vocabulary and knowledge in language.

For example, a dramatic playing child embodies different roles and scenarios, using the tool of language so as to convey and persuade others of his own inventions. Though such a play will enhance the skills in communicating, it builds the confidence in him towards his ability to express himself.

Exploration out of Curiosity

Art work for children encourages play and exploration—essential elements of human growth from very early childhood. This is why during the art activities for children, they get to explore different kinds of materials, techniques, and ideas in a safe and supportive environment. Such an exploration nurtures curiosity and a love for learning, thus laying the very foundation for future personal and academic growth.

When a child experimentally paints with textures and colors, he or she gets to know the properties of the materials used and their interaction. All such hands-on explorations are so critically important for cognitive and sensory development.

Incorporation of Arts as a part of School Curriculum

Cross-Disciplinary Learning

Integration of arts into the curriculum can help children to be able to learn across various disciplines. This means that artists can use artistic activities to further develop science, mathematics, and history concepts. Such art work for children helps to interrelate different areas of knowledge in the mind of the child and bring the realization of learning significance.

For instance, during a science class on the topic of botany, children may be asked to make extended drawings or models of plants. This is a kind of cross-discipline approach that enhances young children's understanding and involvement in the subject matter.

Inspiration through Engagement

The arts in the curriculum can also be done for motivating and enlivening students. Many kids do enjoy art and creative activities; it can be said that arts are so rewarding and motivative that they add to one's joy of learning. Schools can, through creating outlets for creative expression, build a positive and challenging environment.

For example, if a student is weak in a theoretical academic subject, then a good performance in the art subject can raise his morale.  Such art work for children can go a long way in boosting their confidence and having a favorable attitude toward school.


Arts are a key part of children's learning and development. It has become clearer with time that art contributes in various ways, be it in enhancing cognitive abilities or other important areas of development such as emotional intelligence, social skills or cultural awareness. This fine art helps develop fine motor skills, coordination, and spatial awareness in children, besides being a tool for stress management and an issue of understanding healing trauma. Moreover, it encourages lifelong skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, perseverance, and patience.

Overall, the use of art work for children as a healing tool adds value to the early childhood education. By recognizing and supporting the role of simple art and craft in children's lives, we invest in their whole development and lay a foundation to make an entire generation more creative, empathetic, and persistent in the future. 

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the importance of Arts?

Arts, as a subject or an activity, promotes the development of the right brain. If children are exposed to Arts from a young age, it enhances their creativity, observational skills and problem solving ability.

What are the art supplies for children?

There are plenty of art supplies for children. The most commonly used materials are Crayons, Water color paints, paint sticks, play-dough, dry erase markers, gel pens, coloring books, glue sticks, card papers etc.

Why is art important in children’s life?

Arts lead to imagination and imaginative skills improve the creative capability of children. This further improves their concentration, problem solving capacity and motor skills.

What are the emotional benefits of Arts for children?

Exposure to Arts at a young age develops the kid’s understanding of the functioning of the creative process of the brain. This improves their self-confidence, self-image, self-esteem and increases their emotional intelligence.

Related blogs:

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Getting Started with Art Activities: Enroll now to engage in exciting art activities for children.

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