5 Lessons Kids Should Learn from India - Pakistan Cricket Match

Samadrita Chakraborty |

Sports |

2023-09-05 |

null mins read

lessons to learn from India-Pakistan Match 2022

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“Harke jitnewale ko bazigar kehte hai.” This line has overruled generation after generation. But, think how stubborn we become about India’s winning when the team plays with Pakistan. Have you ever wondered why we considered Pakistan our enemy when we were the same country just 75 years back? Just because some shrewd people conspired against this part of the land? Yes, I’m talking about the Britishers. They are taking a peaceful nap while we keep our fight alive despite being neighbours. Let us help our kids think rationally and have compassion about our neighbours.


5 Lessons Kids Should Learn from India-Pakistan Cricket Match


India-Pakistan Cricket Match


Help your little champ learn these five fantastic life lessons from the India-Pakistan cricket match 2022. 



Admit it or not, Indians barely have sportsman spirit in themselves. From teachers’ punishments to bosses’ scolding, we take everything personally. The trouble begins here and ends with the India-Pakistan match on the field. Though it is just a cricket match, we treat it like the “Mahayudh of Kurukshetra” from Mahabharata. 

Let’s break this stereotype now. Children follow adults. Start treating the India-Pakistan match as other cricket matches like India-Australia or India-South Africa. They will also not find something extraordinary in the Pakistan-India match. The word “battleship” looks good only in the history books, not in the field of a cricket match. 



“You cannot love God if you cannot love your neighbour.” Mother Teresa stated this in her Nobel lecture. The statement still feels relevant when we see any India-Pakistan cricket match becomes the apple of discord even after 75 years of independence. With growing age, your child learns geography and general knowledge. So, Pakistan, our neighbouring country, is no more out of their ability. Now, think what mentality your kid will bring up when they see their parents cheering not on India’s winning but Pakistan’s losing. Admit it or not, we do that often. Even if Pakistan is playing with some other team, we take the utmost joy when they lose. 

Refrain from graining this sadist pleasure and become an excellent example for your kids. With love in their heart for their neighbours, your kids strive to become mentally healthy citizens.



Remember how our fellow citizens bashed Kohli when he could not win a match against Pakistan? The grandeur of humiliation was such that it affected both his personal and professional life. An entire nation failed to respect a leader who shed blood and sweat to play for his country. 

When your child learns to treat an India-Pakistan match as ordinary as other cricket matches, they do not take it personally. Also, they know to pay the leaders’ due even after losing. 


Knowing Your Credibility 

Children learn things faster when there is no pressure on them. Similarly, they learn to identify a team’s credibility when they take the opponent as the “enemy”. They will explore team India’s potential when they take Pakistan as another opponent. 


Developing Zero Toxicity 

Nowadays, we can find thousands of memes on the internet and social media platforms about players’ personal lives. Indians have forgotten to bring up that grey matter where this kind of personal-life bashing seems unethical. Who wants their child to be a part of this toxic environment? Not you, right? 


Bottom Line

Practising some good habits for years helps children thrive with a healthy mindset. When they learn to treat cricket as only a sport and not a stake of life and death, they do not develop any negativity around it. So, be it “Pakistan-India” or “India-Pakistan”. No combination should affect your child. In this era of toxicity and negativity, let your child fill with positivity who will make this world a better place. 

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